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# Feels Better~
Wednesday, June 20, 2012 / permalink
Anyeong everyone! Today I felt much much better since I found my phone(I lost my phone yesterday). I kinda felt frustrated yesterday cause I have to deal with so much stuff and all of a sudden my phone got lost. Thank God I found it today!

Now the important story in my life is, I have to decide whether I want to go to University(they call it college in the U.S) this year OR stay at home for a lil bit longer then go to college. Hmm, I don't know. Don't wanna think about it right now. Let's talk about something else.

Okay, so I am currently volunteering in this ELL(English Language Learners) programme as a tutor at Lewis-Palmer Elementary school. The programme is to aid students in United States who don't speak English as their first/native language. I confidently volunteered, since I know I have nothing to do during the summer so I thought, why not? I enjoy it a lot. I meet a lot of kids from different places all around the country. This are the kids who were brought to the United States because they were refugees back home. One of the kids that I taught, Jeewan Rai is from Nepal. He was one of the kids who live in the refugee camps in Nepal. He and his sibling are here while his parents stay back home. It's so sad that they have to leave their family behind and move to United States in search for a better life. I hope all of this kids will become successful one day.

Anyway, long story short, I had fun volunteering today. I'll be volunteering for the rest of the week and also on Monday next week. I'll be leaving Colorado next Tuesday( :( sad i know).
See ya again little roller coaster life :)

Lewis-Palmer Elementary School. Oh yeah it's summer time!
